Drip for Drip
Drip for Drip asked me to contribute to their October coffee cup edition, where two illustrators create a coffee cup designed for that specific month to trade with each other. It's super fun to see everyone's own spin on the themes and a great way for illustrators to connect with each other through their craft.
Can you tell me a little bit about your October coffee cup?
October is the spookiest month of the year and I'm, of course, a huge fan of halloween. I definitely wanted to create something creepy. With that in mind, I gravitated towards the idea of a man eating venus fly trap and had this concept in my mind for a couple of weeks. All the while, conversations surrounding Harvey Weinstein, sexual assault and the hashtag #metoo were swarming the internet. It made me think; what if we put this man eating venus fly trap to good use? And here we are... Queen Givesnofucks with misogynist eating venus fly traps flowing from her hair. If only getting rid of misogynists were so easy.
It's unforgivable how many people are effected by sexual assault and this issue isn't limited to gender. Here's a good resource for anyone looking for help.
Initial concept sketch
Colour palette
With this project I knew that whatever colours I landed on I'd have to stick with because my cup exchange pal, Wijtze Valkema, would have to use the same palette as me. To test the colours with my design, I mocked up this rough composition that replicates the weight and layout of my illustration to get a feel on what would work best.